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Gord & Marj Beaton - 'On Beat'
Janet Bradley - 'Rewind'
Joe & Jean Chorostecki - 'C Me Now'
Bill & Jenn Cornell - 'Bill of Sail'
Mike Cunningham - Island Song'
John & Rita Damoiseaux - Slipstream'
Denise Simpson & Dave Fogel - 'Great Things'
Jamie & Lorrie Guggisberg - 'Rascal'
Tom Gugisberg
Shelly Mallon
Greg & Lyne Frechette-Moon - 'Dolphin'
Gail and Marty Nisbet - 'Tomax'
Lee Partridge & Susan Gibson
Kevin & Nancy Ptolemy - 'Silent P'
Henry & Michelle Soininen - 'Women of Steel'
John & Velma Young - 'Just for Fun'